Category:Heart (organ)
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English: Cardiac anatomy refers to the structure of the heart, one of the organs of the body.
This category has the following 33 subcategories, out of 33 total.
- Heart (organ) in art (31 F)
- De motu cordis et aneurysmatibus (10 F)
- Heart atria (57 F)
- Cardiac muscles (10 F)
- Heart regeneration (12 F)
- Total heart volume variation (4 F)
- Heart tube (4 F)
Media in category "Heart (organ)"
The following 150 files are in this category, out of 150 total.
"Der Anatom" after a painting 'Tenia corazon' Wellcome L0014376.jpg 1,596 × 1,248; 940 KB
A line drawing of a human heart where it looks like it was drawn using one line.jpg 1,024 × 1,024; 61 KB
A vessel in the form of a heart held by a hand; 16th century Wellcome L0026157.jpg 4,890 × 2,155; 3.92 MB
ADINA R & D FSI Heart Valve Analysis.gif 390 × 442; 508 KB
An elderly anatomist contemplates the heart that he has exci Wellcome V0010460.jpg 3,496 × 2,404; 3.2 MB
An elderly anatomist contemplates the heart that he has exci Wellcome V0010471.jpg 3,512 × 2,204; 2.79 MB
Anatomy Museum of IPGMER Kolkata.jpg 352 × 288; 13 KB
Anatomytool Dually innervated heart and lungs English.jpg 810 × 388; 51 KB
Ancient Meitei character "WAI" (ꯋ) represents as well as means "heart" or "navel".jpg 4,446 × 2,160; 703 KB
AORTA CCA ICA ECA BA WILLIS.svg 1,315 × 1,334; 13 KB
Apikal4D explained.png 258 × 215; 19 KB
Athletes heart cmri.gif 648 × 648; 40.18 MB
Bainbridge.gif 612 × 180; 8 KB
Basecuore.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 1.25 MB
Basic representation of cardiac conduction.gif 325 × 297; 760 KB
Bentrikulu arteko trenkada akatsa.png 243 × 327; 88 KB
Bicuspid Aortic Valve.svg 512 × 231; 186 KB
Bihotz giharrak.png 262 × 153; 66 KB
Bihotz zikloa.png 425 × 316; 147 KB
Bihotzaren zikloa.png 295 × 205; 74 KB
Birth of Eve in the Garden of Eden and anatomical figure. Wellcome L0007123.jpg 1,156 × 1,594; 719 KB
Blutkreislauf Mensch vereinfacht.jpg 544 × 685; 47 KB
Captura de pantalla 2020-10-10 a las 17.02.16.png 483 × 305; 115 KB
Captura de pantalla 2020-10-10 a las 17.20.58.png 347 × 226; 96 KB
Captura de pantalla 2020-10-10 a las 17.53.18.png 611 × 354; 247 KB
Cardiac 123I-MIBG.jpg 681 × 341; 56 KB
Cardiac catheterization.jpg 1,200 × 1,080; 331 KB
Cardiac muscle microscope.jpg 4,000 × 2,992; 3.84 MB
Cardiology1.GIF 285 × 302; 5 KB
Cardiomorpheoseos sive ex corde desumpta emblemata sacra (1645) (14560602189).jpg 1,532 × 1,948; 745 KB
Cardiomorpheoseos sive ex corde desumpta emblemata sacra (1645) (14724234756).jpg 1,600 × 2,024; 633 KB
Cardiovascular system 2013-11-16 00-19.jpg 1,936 × 2,592; 1.61 MB
Cells-11-03477-g001.jpg 775 × 708; 138 KB
CHP mouse heart section.jpg 935 × 1,071; 278 KB
Circuit neural du réflexe barorécepteur cardiaque.png 769 × 652; 20 KB
Circulation of blood through the heart.png 3,000 × 2,000; 509 KB
Corazon ocampo.jpg 256 × 401; 16 KB
Cross section of the heart seen from above-extract.jpg 297 × 300; 141 KB
Cuore1.jpg 1,585 × 1,237; 1,009 KB
Cœur anatomique.jpg 1,469 × 1,190; 646 KB
Desenhando corassaum.svg 744 × 1,052; 29 KB
Desfibrilador público.jpg 778 × 159; 130 KB
Diagram of the heart, circa 1513. Wellcome M0016067.jpg 2,634 × 3,993; 2.46 MB
E. May,A most certaine and true relation of Wellcome L0030791.jpg 3,184 × 5,492; 6.37 MB
EB1911 - Heart - Formation of Septa.png 582 × 444; 64 KB
EB1911 Cavities of the Right Side of the Heart.png 658 × 928; 276 KB
EB1911 Heart - Thoracic Viscera.png 919 × 829; 435 KB
Esk birika.png 425 × 261; 196 KB
Evolution of heart - coelomate circulation.png 626 × 486; 73 KB
Evolution of heart - heart.png 626 × 486; 121 KB
Evolution of heart - hemal system.png 626 × 486; 109 KB
Ezk bihotza.png 425 × 261; 194 KB
Field dressing a deer 2.jpg 1,500 × 1,125; 746 KB
Fig1 FC.png 684 × 459; 7 KB
Fig1.TIF 1,400 × 948; 54 KB
Fig2 Precharge.png 688 × 462; 10 KB
Fig3 Postcharge.png 668 × 467; 10 KB
Fjoergyn – Heathen Rock Festival 2016 01.jpg 4,112 × 6,081; 6.9 MB
Foramen of Panizza-ru.svg 891 × 489; 111 KB
Forensic medicine heart.jpg 1,200 × 1,474; 943 KB
Franklin Heart.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 936 KB
Frog Heart Kymograph.png 3,840 × 3,232; 19.5 MB
Frog heart kymographic recording.jpg 1,932 × 3,576; 3.12 MB
Funktion des Herzens.webm 1 min 5 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 61 MB
German anti-smoking campaign poster Wellcome L0038326.jpg 2,766 × 3,852; 1.76 MB
Heart ! ❤.jpg 2,448 × 2,448; 1.37 MB
Heart (193459369).jpeg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.23 MB
Heart anterior exterior view.png 820 × 1,239; 1.5 MB
Heart arteries front-back.svg 1,063 × 709; 304 KB
Heart blood.png 800 × 600; 148 KB
Heart diseccion.jpg 960 × 720; 222 KB
Heart Dissected (193463055).jpeg 2,048 × 1,536; 1,014 KB
Heart in hand.jpg 1,024 × 733; 914 KB
HEART OF ALL OF US by Mostafa Sadek, Acrylic on canvas , 90*90 cm.jpg 5,500 × 5,500; 2.92 MB
Heart strings in lamb heart.jpg 2,472 × 2,918; 1.25 MB
Heart tube.png 313 × 156; 71 KB
Heart, circa 1541. Wellcome L0004104.jpg 1,226 × 1,602; 995 KB
Heart-schematic.png 689 × 460; 52 KB
Human-heart.ogg 9 min 11 s; 8.38 MB
Hy-Սիրտ (Heart).ogg 3 min 58 s; 9.48 MB
I ripped off my wounded heart - Flickr - Stiller Beobachter.jpg 1,154 × 1,159; 695 KB
Ijn surgeon.JPG 268 × 427; 21 KB
Il cuore.jpg 4,608 × 3,072; 2.91 MB
Illustration of the heart, 17th century Wellcome L0002632.jpg 1,910 × 5,495; 3.55 MB
Infiltracio adiposa VD. 100X. H&E. IMG 2726.jpg 730 × 451; 77 KB
Intercalated disc.png 450 × 295; 60 KB
Ischemic preconditioning of the heart.png 1,342 × 932; 33 KB
Kulturgeschichte des Herzens.webm 2 min 32 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 141.38 MB
Kunstherz an der MHH.jpg 800 × 564; 60 KB
Kymographic recording of the effect of lead on frog heart..jpg 2,336 × 3,548; 3.76 MB
Langedorff Heart.jpg 342 × 335; 96 KB
Lehrbuch der Krankheiten des Herzens und der Blutgefässe (1906) (14783334862).jpg 2,876 × 1,792; 1.12 MB
Lost towel number 15 found (cropped).JPG 1,440 × 1,138; 360 KB
Lost towel number 15 found.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 667 KB
Mitral valve.jpg 960 × 720; 61 KB
MRI of torso.jpg 512 × 512; 100 KB
Muscolopapillare+cordetendinee.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 1.22 MB
Muscolopapillarex.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 1.19 MB
Museum voor Dierkunde recortada.png 1,896 × 3,304; 4.17 MB
Myocardiocyte.png 600 × 490; 130 KB
Orifices of the Heart seen from above in An academic physiology and hygiene (1903).jpg 1,612 × 1,472; 414 KB
P Zelle.GIF 1,165 × 589; 14 KB
Pacemaker potential.svg 354 × 251; 60 KB
Panoramic heart danalache.png 4,111 × 4,011; 2.97 MB
Pathology affecting the tissues of the heart Wellcome L0074294.jpg 5,493 × 7,763; 11.88 MB
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soc. Wellcome L0031878.jpg 3,878 × 4,722; 7.05 MB
PICSO-2.jpg 720 × 405; 89 KB
PICSO.jpg 720 × 405; 73 KB
Pierced heart using sword.jpg 1,257 × 1,280; 548 KB
Pig heart bypass.jpg 1,365 × 2,048; 226 KB
PLAXLynch (CardioNetworks ECHOpedia).png 600 × 386; 64 KB
Potenziale.gif 1,230 × 1,060; 14 KB
Potenziale.svg 500 × 450; 11 KB
Purkinje.GIF 1,768 × 850; 24 KB
Regeneracioncorazon.jpg 1,696 × 419; 78 KB
Relations of the aorta, trachea, esophagus and other heart structures esp.png 2,089 × 1,645; 13.13 MB
Régulation cardiovasculaire centrale.png 1,262 × 575; 35 KB
S.T.W. Sanford and Sons (3092960225).jpg 722 × 600; 237 KB
Sercebezkregowce.png 406 × 176; 5 KB
Serceryby.png 329 × 357; 17 KB
SercssakaobiegD.png 379 × 280; 10 KB
SercssakaobiegM.png 368 × 302; 10 KB
Sinusinio mazgo veikimo potencialai.gif 917 × 576; 25 KB
Sistema circulatorio.JPG 960 × 720; 246 KB
Sistole.png 155 × 200; 9 KB
Slide11gggg.JPG 960 × 720; 106 KB
Soft Total Artificial Heart.jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 3.87 MB
Stamp of Indonesia - 1972 - Colnect 257424 - World Heart Day.jpeg 269 × 358; 34 KB
Taquicardia animación.webm 10 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 494 KB
Tawara-Sunao-Korrekturfahne-1906.jpg 2,048 × 1,577; 234 KB
The Harveian oration 1873 - Fig 3.png 1,394 × 1,988; 1,009 KB
The Harveian oration 1873 - Fig 4.png 1,434 × 1,855; 979 KB
Trikuspide atresia.png 232 × 273; 78 KB
VTI LVOT.png 636 × 539; 263 KB
World Heart Day (5025388470).jpg 1,000 × 664; 280 KB
World Heart Day 2014.jpg 1,024 × 669; 119 KB
Zuntzezko eskeletoa.png 304 × 193; 41 KB
Модель сердца.jpg 1,447 × 3,080; 957 KB
Сердечный кризис.jpg 4,228 × 1,505; 5.23 MB
Сердцу не прикажешь.ogg 2.2 s; 28 KB
Синусовая тахикардия.jpg 4,128 × 4,572; 16.08 MB
Աորտալ հետհոսք.png 768 × 1,024; 577 KB
מחזור הדם בזוחלים.PNG 526 × 507; 140 KB
قلب.jpg 1,000 × 620; 86 KB