Comments on: Study Shows Lupus Patients Suffer in Silence (Infographic) Health news for doctors and patients. Mon, 23 Aug 2021 12:14:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stacie Oldham Mon, 23 Aug 2021 12:14:00 +0000 In reply to Rinske.

I’m not sure where you’re from, but I welcome winter. I’m down south on the gulf coast. The heat and humidity are sweltering and every time I even walk to my car I almost pass out. It’s absolutely miserable.
It intensifies all of my symptoms. I lived in upstate New York many years ago and I suppose winters like that are terrible, too. Perhaps getting somewhere in the middle is a good idea.

By: Rinske Tue, 17 Sep 2019 12:29:51 +0000 In reply to Brenda Wolff.

Winter. You said it. This has been the worse winter in all my life!! Worse part is, we had very moderate days. I dread next year. This week I was asked by my husband not to drive with our daughter anymore, as he thinks my meds affects my driving. “You can drive yourself, but I don’t want to take chances”. He is probably right. I am now officially a bad mother, wife and employee. But we have plenty to be grateful for, so no complaining….fake it till you make it,right??

By: Angie Sun, 22 Mar 2015 21:05:44 +0000 In reply to Polly.

I first would like to say, I completely understand everything you are going through. You described me to a T!
I was Diagnosed with SLE Sjogrens and the other stuff it comes with last April. I was a nurse, a great nurse. I knew I had it. I told my husband I thought I did, he had been telling me to go see our PCP for swollen hands and pain for many months by then. I finally went I told her my thoughts and concerns (fighting the tears). I had it, It came back positive, then positive again. So I got tons off meds and more Dr’s and I am no better than a year ago.
I am a mom (34) of 4 young children and wife to my soul mate. If it weren’t for my husband I would have ended it all a long time ago. Sad but very true. I feel into a deep depression and I took care of people with Lupus so I know what’s coming for me. I worked in Hospice. I am terrified and overwhelmed I don’t know what to do. I feel like a burden and a constant complainer. I am home all the time because the sun and heat actually hurt me.(AZ)I had just had my last baby when I found out and had to stop nursing her asap because my DR said it wasn’t ok to do while taking steroids. I best feed my baby girl 15 months and I am glad I got to do it that long. I had to wean her completely in 2 days, she did well. Again when she cried for me and I had to say no mom has no more I would cry and feel guilty. My parents and brothers hasn’t talked to me in 7 months and I saw/talked to them everyday of my life.
My meds are not working and I am getting worse, my pain is unreal and I want someone to believe me. I am not a drug seeker…I am trying to live a better life pain free.
We participate in the End Lupus walks and this year my husband and I company will be out there again this year.
We raise money and donate. WE own potts lawn care buckeye on FB and purple butterfly and says on our logo we proudly support the Lupus foundation.
I hope everyday for a cure, we will

By: Angela Long Sun, 22 Mar 2015 18:19:45 +0000 Yes I know exactly what you mean I suffer from Lupus as well and believe me it’s no fun I don’t know what it’s like to not be in pain every single day I do everything myself still only because I refuse to let this disease take over me …

By: Brenda Wolff Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:21:23 +0000 In reply to karina.

I have Lupus I have had to have two hip replacments I live in constant pain and friday have to have another surgery due to lupus I wish more people understood what we go through. I hate living like this and now its winter more pain 🙁 There seems to be no cure in site

By: Polly Wed, 24 Sep 2014 02:35:48 +0000 I’ve had systemic lupus, sjogren’s and raynaud’s for 15 years. I’ve outlived the original prognosis by 5 years so far, and plan on continuing to live.
However, lupus impacts my life daily. Every day is a struggle, pain wise, and I always try to put a smile on my face and deal with each day that this disease tries to ruin for me.
It has messed up every gland in my body, including my lymph nodes. I’m in a constant flare up, with headache, swollen joints, extreme fatigue, and generally feel like a truck has run me over (just to name a few) every day. It has affected my heart, my vein system (vasculitis) and my stomach and intestines.
I had to give my career up years ago, as it was too much on me to try to continue my career, which make finances a rough road.
It has stolen my once beautiful teeth, and I struggle to be able to afford dentistry work (sjogren’s) because my medical insurance will not cover dental work, even though it is medically related.
People look at me, and unless they see my swollen hands, or see me walk when I am hurting, they think I am fine. I honestly don’t care what others think, but they shouldn’t judge what they don’t know. They have no clue the pain I deal with daily. If a healthy person had to live in my body for one week, I’m not sure they would survive.
I am strong because I have to be. I try hard not to complain. I paste a smile on my face (even though it is usually a fake one) and try to help others as much as I can. I try to help others newly diagnosed with it, and I try to spread as much awareness as possible to help with research.
My younger sister also has the same diseases I have. It has taken her kidneys from her. She is on dialysis 3 times a week, for 4 hour sessions. It has ruined her quality of life as well. She is frail, yet she is strong.
I have lost many friends to this disease. A cure needs to be found, so perhaps someday some of us won’t have to suffer in silence.
Over the last 15 years, I have seen a rapid rise in the amount of people being diagnosed, men and women. We all struggle every day. Some of us are better at coping than others, but some of us have had it longer, therefore we are more used to the pain. It’s pretty sad when being in pain is “normal”. Please help find a cure! Thank you for reading! 🙂

By: Deborah Morton Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:34:14 +0000 I have suffered with SLE for 13years now, I would just like to add that it’s not only all the issues that Lupus brings, it’s the connective problems that makes every single moment a struggle in life. The second thing that makes life a battle is having to justify every dam day to people who don’t understand nor wanted to!!! I have 2 overlaps that make my& my family life very hard to deal with daily life, and send everyone who suffers from this horrible condition, my thoughts & understanding as to what we have to deal with daily.xx

By: karina Mon, 22 Sep 2014 13:33:54 +0000 I have a lot of these symptoms, but the dr but it down to Fibromyalgia. Which a chronic pain illness. I also have overactive thyroid, type 1 diabeties, dyrufrens disease (hands)Arthritis in both hips, SPD (pelvis)
It sucks being ill and unable to have a a full life. What sucks more is that their is no cure for these invisable illnesses.
