Comments on: V.A. Ready To Fire 1,000 Employees Related To Patient Scandal Health news for doctors and patients. Tue, 11 Nov 2014 02:19:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: ray Mon, 10 Nov 2014 02:19:09 +0000 still no change at the V.A. told my dr that my knee was still painful, red, and swollen. She then entered “patient responded that his pain level is currently at 0” On a second note i am still waiting on a ruling on the disability I filed in 2005. I got a “provisional” low ball decision 3 years ago because “cases are taking longer than expected” Reporters have Bob mcdonald please look up my case blanchard8504 and get it approved already. 13 years of service ended because I could not run due to knee, ankle and feet injuries yet the V.A. seems to be stalling on my pension.
